A Psychic Reading Meditation - How To Prepare Yourself For A Psychic Reading Before receiving a psychic reading, it is advantageous to give yourself some time to meditate. Meditation particularly done prior to a psychic reading will make a big difference on how you accept and comprehend the advice you will hear from the psychic medium. When you meditate before your psychic reading, you are allowing both your body and mind to settle easily into it. You are calming your body from the anxiety created by any preoccupation or thoughts you have about the psychic reading - what you may hear, what you can find out, and what answers will be given to you. When you meditate before your psychic reading, you are also opening your mind. You are clearing it from any preconceived notions and other thoughts that may preempt you from understanding the information as you should. In the process, you are also opening the mind to receive knowledge and information in the way they should be seen. Here is an easy meditation practice which you can work with. Just follow these 7 simple steps and you will have a relaxed and opened mind when you have your psychic reading. 1. Sit down in a quiet location where you will not be interrupted. 2. Relax each part of your body. Start with the top of your head going down to your toes. Feel your muscles easing down, but do not slouch. Close your eyes. 3. Bring your focus to your breathing. Breathe slowly. Observe every inhale and exhale. 4. Whenever you exhale, feel your mind clearing. Each exhale symbolizes expectations and preconceived beliefs leaving your mind. Your mind becomes similar to a room being completely tidied up to make space for new items. 5. When you have fully cleared your mind, just carry on with the observation of your breathing. Maintain this tranquil and relaxed state. It is similar to quietly waiting for something to arrive. Take a few more minutes sitting down, then you can prepare to go for your psychic reading. Remember to maintain this tranquil and relaxed state, free from all the thoughts you have let go earlier. 6. In the course of your psychic reading, just focus on obtaining information. Make notes if you want, but do not add your thoughts yet; just take in the information without any additional personal insights from you. 7. After your psychic reading, take care of the things you will need to do or attend to right away. For anything that requires decision-making or deliberation, take note of your ideas first, then sleep on it. In the morning, you will be in a better state of mind and have a refreshed view of things. It is very crucial to have a clear and open mind before, during, and after your psychic reading because it will be easier for you to obtain knowledge and understand information the way you should. This means that your thoughts are not dimmed or limited by what you only wish to see, or by the worries that prevent you from moving forward. You might also be given totally unexpected and startling information during your psychic reading. Having a clear and open mind lets you to accept them more readily . It also makes it easier for you to adjust and work around any changes that may occur. Most importantly, when you meditate prior to your psychic reading, you also develop your inner wisdom. You more easily understand things that did not make sense to you before. You begin to see the purpose of certain things - what their roles are in your life and why they need to happen. When you meditate before your psychic reading, you are allowing yourself to embrace all the things in it that will contribute to your growth and progress towards a better life.
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