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Sade Sati beneficial or malefic based on KP ( Vedic ) Astrology In the first half of article I would discuss what is Sade Sati and what are the myths associated with it and then second half I would discuss with two example when Sade Sati is beneficial and one example when it is malefic. Person with Virgo ascendant and Libra Ascendant with moon in Libra or Virgo must read this article. By that I mean who is presently running Sade Sati. When Saturn enters the 12th house from natal moon and when it passes through the 12th house , the house of Moon and the house next to moon that seven and half year ( 7 ½ years ) is termed as Sade Sati of Shani or Saturn. Most of the Vedic Astrologers are of the opinion that this period in a person's life would bring about untold sufferings and misfortune. But in reality it has been observed that Sade Sati period can bring prosperity and success to an individual. It is necessary to judge the Sade Sati period case to case basics before coming to a conclusion that the entire seven and a half period is bad. Now I am going to explain the reason behind it with an example based on the principles of KP ( Vedic ) Astrology. I will take the case of Aries Ascendant or Mesha Lagna with Moon positioned in Aries (Mesha) In the case of Mesha Rasi when Saturn enters Pisces then the Sade Sati period starts for such native. In Pisces there are three nakshatras namely Poorvabhadrapada (Ruled by Jupiter), Uttarabhadrapada (Ruled by Saturn) and Revathi (Ruled by Mercury). The zone of Poorvabhadrapada is till 3 degree 20 minutes in Pisces, the next nakshatra Uttarabhadrapada is till 16 degree 40 minutes in Pisces and Revathi covering the remaining part of Pisces. Now let us consider the case of Saturn and Mercury here. Saturn is the lord of 10th and 11th house for Aries Ascendant or Mesha Lagna. So when Saturn passes through the zone of Uttarabhadrapada it has been observed that during that time there is prosperity and success achieved by the people born with Mesha Lagna and Mesha Rashi. Now taking the case of Mercury who happens to be the lord of 3rd and 6th house for them, during the time when Saturn passes through the zone of Revathi nakshatra they can gain in competition. So we can conclude that it not necessary that Sade Sati would bring disaster and suffering in a person life. On the contrary it can bring huge success when Saturn passes through a friendly nakshatra with respect to the Ascendant if Saturn in the horoscope is not signifying evil houses. So it is necessary to customize the prediction of Sade Sati based on Lagna, Rashi and Saturn himself ( whether it is good or bad for the horoscope). I would like to site one more example which would be useful to current Sade Sati running people. First let us take the example of Libra Ascendant or Tula Lagna people with moon in Leo, Virgo or Libra. For moon sign libra sate sati has started from September 2009 and the time when this article would be published would be in the month of June 2010. So presently Sade Sati is operational for them . Most of the Librans (ascendant in libra) is having a better time since last one year ( with few exception ) and it would continue at least till end of August 2010 . The good time can even continue for even one more year I,e till October 2011. Now why is it so? Presently Saturn is passing through Uttaraphalguni nakshatra since last one year . Nakshatra lord for Uttaraphalguni is Sun who happens to be the lord of 11th house for Libra Ascendant and Saturn is the lord of 4th and 5th for Libra Ascendant people. Unless Sun or Saturn is positioned in an unfavourable constellation the time at present would be good. After September 2010 when Saturn transits over Hasta nakshatra ( ruler Moon ) most of the Librans would enjoy better time since Moon is the lord of 10th in case of Libra Ascendant. This good time even in Sade Sati can continue at least till October 2011. Now I would give a negative case when Saturn is playing the role of Villain. People born with Virgo Ascendant (Or Lagna) even when Moon is in Leo or Virgo or Libra is experiencing difficult time since last one year ( now = June 2010) and it would continue till August end 2010. The reason being Sun (whose nakshatra Saturn is transiting at the moment ) happens to be the lord of 12th house for Virgo Ascendant and if any unfavorable dasa is operating for Virgo Ascendant the things are even worse for them. But One good thing I would like them to know from September beginning 2010 time would be again be positive for Virgo Ascendant even in Sade Sati. I would conclude the article with this note that don't jump into conclusion that Sade Sati period of your life would be bad always. Any comments or questions are appreciated.

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