
Psychic Readings Near Me in Luthersville GA 30251

Is There Life After Death? Many people think that when we die that's it were gone forever! Well this is certainly the case if you believe that us humans are only beings with a body which only lives with the supply of oxygen. In which case death occurs when the heart stops beating and we stop breathing in oxygen which stops our brains from functioning. Sounds quite straight forward. But us humans are very complex beings and we only know a small amount of what our brain actually does, there is so much we don't understand. Now many of us believe we have a soul or a spirit that without any physical substance. And this spirit or soul is supposed to live on after our bodies have died. So where does this soul live? Some people think the brain, others think the heart or other organs. There are stories of people who have had heart transplants and then take on the characteristics of the person who died and who's heart they had. Now this person had died and had offered their heart for transplant so how did the characteristics of that person get transferred to the transplant patient, the only answer I can think of is via a soul or spirit of some like. Tricky to image but how do you explain this strange phenomenon? So if the soul or spirit does live within the body somewhere and then is released when we die why is it there in the first place? Maybe it needs a body to evolve and develop and only leaves when the body dies. Another theory is that the spirit or soul is infact the energy within each of us. If this is the case then there is no such thing as the death of a soul as it is scientifically proven that you cannot kill energy! Many people believe that energy which is found in every life form on earth is infact God like. Or in other words life force, there is no higher god like spirit or being, us and everyone and every living thing around is this god like life force and we have evolved due to our intelligence apparently. It's all very mind blowing and hard to get your head round. Psychic mediums swear blind there is life after death as some claim they can see dead people and others claim they can feel them or hear voices. People all over the world go to spiritualist churches in the hope that they may get a message from the relatives' which have passed over as it were. I myself have been to a few and received messages from certain relatives and quite often I can't explain how this woman or man standing up in front of a podium can tell me all about my grandmother who they certainly have never met. Trying to understand this type of phenomena is almost impossible. Scientists are doing many experiments' which in time might give us the answer. There are now many ghost hunting shows on the TV like Most Haunted which are trying to prove the existence of life after death. But as yet I haven't seen any real proof, but do we really need to see actual physical proof? I definitely belief there is something to it but I can't quite put my finger on it. I am open to things and am quite happy in believing things that scientists have yet to prove. I have never seen an alien for example but I believe we would be naive to think we are the only planet in the universe with life on it. I also believe that there are many things we don't know about the human psyche and certainly don't need scientific proof to believe things. For example you can feel or sense an atmosphere even if you can't see it. You can walk into a room where two people have been arguing, they may have made up and look fine, but you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Now I can't explain that but I know it's real and not my imagination. So in answer to the initial question of is there life after death. I don't know. All I know is that there are ways some people can get information from the dead and this is through spiritual experience such as psychic ability which I certainly believe in.

Psychic Readings Near Me in Luthersville GA

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