Psychic: The Ethics Of Predicting Death If an authentic psychic consultant sees or senses death of a loved one during a psychic reading, should she speak of it? The ethics of doing so has been debated in metaphysical circles. During my beginnings back in the mid-70s, when I still read Tarot Cards before working as a psychic channel, there was a simple indicator of “death by heart attack”. The Death card stood in a certain relation to the 3 of Swords (the image is of a sword piercing a heart figure, the Waite-Rider deck or pack), and depending on how it related to other cards in my basic 10 card Celtic Spread, and, depending on the feeling, the intuitive or psychic impression I received, it could foretell a death, a transition from physical existence to the Spirit Realm. Most often, however, the Death Card merely signaled potential major change in the querent's life. During one memorable reading at the beginning of my career as a psychic, I read for a middle-aged woman who had never married and had always lived with her elderly mother who she was, I later found, extremely attached to. I was strongly impressed to inform her that her mother would soon die. The woman cried, then explained her deep emotional attachment to her mother, and that she had never, oddly, considered the inevitability of her death. Many months later the same woman returned, this time to thank me. She explained that if she had not been told of her mother's death, giving her time to prepare mentally and emotionally, she might have gone insane with grief. Ordinarily I would as an ethical psychic have been reluctant to predict the death of a loved one, but in this lady's case, I was strongly impressed to give the information. That was before I knew that I was being prepared and evaluated by an inner plane group who already was working through me as a personal and business psychic consultant. Apart from situations such as that, there is a category of client, usually a woman but sometimes a man, that wants to be told that their mate will die, hopefully in the near future. Such a client tells me she has been told by other psychics that her husband, his wife would die soon. And release them from a relationship she suffered and wished to be free from. The latter, of course, went unspoken. The pattern is an old one but it was new to me as a beginning psychic analyst and consultant. In one notable case, the man who desperately wished to be freed from his wife was the one to come down with a dread disease and almost died during surgery. His chronically ill wife remained fairly strong and showed no signs of dying anytime soon. Such ironies can be darkly humorous.
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It's not unexpected, naturally, but esoteric's draw on unique tools, so to speak, in giving a psychic live reading. A number employ a reliable crystal golfing ball. Some others will want to do a reading of the palms. Or it's perhaps Rune stones, just for example. For some others, not one tool is required, as they simply use an instinctive, and unaturally intuitive mind, to connect but now message. In spite of this, the majority of psychics which give a live psychic reading, can make use of a beneficial aid or tool, which can help focus the mind.
Just like doctors some other professionals, being psychic or astrologer entails finishing a traditional of education that could make the person capable and reliable as to making psychic readings. Simply reading books from home won't make anyone a competent.
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Now, one other thing to note about Sylvia Browne is that she (and her estranged husband) were several times in there are convicted for fraud. Never to be too biting, having said that i believe until this leopard has merely whited out its spots. Aramaic is an obscure enough language for people to make wild and usually unchallenged claims about which it. Hopefully this issue is now a bit less clouded.
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